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5’s Game

5’s Game

The 5’s game purpose is to experience the benefits of working in an orderly and methodical way. At the end of the explanation is the link that will take you to the game page.

The goal is to click on the letters in alphabetical order, starting with A and going to Z, as fast as possible. You can only click on uppercase letters, they are mixed with lowercase letters and symbols. Just when you click “START”, a countdown will leave you 20 seconds to act.

There are different phases.

1. We start with all letters and see how many you can get.

2. Small letters and extra symbols are removed.

3. In next step, letters are ordered by zones.

4. Finally, letters are distributed in alphabetical order (“Standardized”).

In this case, there are two phases:

1. We start with all letters and see how many you can get.

2. Letters are distributed in aplhabetical order (“Standardized”).


After these tests, the 5’s game comes out with a “Find the Defect” test.

Some letters have been deleted and you need to find out which ones.

Once again, disorder reappears. Can we find them in the disorder?